what if saruman had gotten the ring

The Rings of Power finale took viewers on a ride with solved mysteries, reunions, and goodbyes. What If SARUMAN managed to get his hands on the One Ring and how that . Hidden realms of elves in the past had undone the plans of Morgoth himself, and Sauron was not likely to let such a thing go unchallenged. The Ring also has his - what does it say? Its probably been done already, and if so I apologize, but: If Saruman had gotten his greedy lil mitts on the one ring, would he have been able to set himself up as a new dark lord (or however they call themselves)? I think Saruman would have kept the Ring and used its real and symbolic powers to contest with Sauron for control over Middle-earth by building up his own empire. Virginia. Even still, Frodo set the benchmark for hope and volunteered to take the One Ring to Mordor, where he destroyed it and saved the world from disaster. He sees the Dark Lord as a rival and also an aspiration. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The greatest act of disobedience in LOTR had possibly the greatest consequences which in the end saved the Quest of the Ring and saved Middle-Earth that being Eomer's act of disobedience. And in The Rings of Power, when the mystics realized their error, they said the Stranger is the Istarnot one of the Istari, the Istar, as if only one is present in Middle-earth right now. Saruman remained in the East for hundreds of years, only returning to the West when Saurons power started to grow. If Saruman masters the ring, he will have a chance of defeating Sauron. ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! By this Tolkien shows that disobedience for good reasons has merit. Is Taco Bell healthier than other fast food? "Saruman would've won if he captured the ring"--Won what? He believed he could fake an alliance with the Dark Lord while ultimately finding the ring for himself and ruling Middle Earth. The Great Eye also features heavily in Peter Jacksons blockbuster big-screen adaptations, an ever-watchful flaming orb atop a massive stone obelisk. Whether he judged correctly is another matter, but I would expect it to be a contest. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. See Palantr Wikipedia . Would he have given the Ring back to Sauron or would he have kept the ring and contested Sauron for power over Middle-earth? His own greed and lust for power turned him to darkness on his own, and Sauron through the Palantir had already turned Saruman into his tool - though Saruman was of no use to Sauron at all once defeated. Around 500 years before The Lord of the Rings, the White Council was formed in Rivendell -- a group for Middle-earth's most powerful beings to discuss Sauron.Galadriel wanted Gandalf to take the head position, but Saruman insisted that he be in charge because of his status. When it comes to the Stranger, played by Daniel Weyman, we learned he is one of the Istari, but we did not learn his actual name. So He would do what He did after His defeat by Isildur. What exactly happened to Sauron when the Ring was destroyed? Sauron was not a run of the mill foe and an ordinary blade wielded by an ordinary man would not have sufficed. Naruto turned, and saw a Wizard in all white and an Elven Lady behind him. After a comment from Gimli, Gandalf adds: "But Isengard cannot fight Mordor, unless Saruman first obtains the Ring. What happens next? The White Wizard truly believed that he could resist both the dark lord's power and then, when in possession of it, the lure of the Ring of Power. However, Saruman had planned his rise to power much earlier than that. Although Saruman had selfish motives, he didn't expect to fall so deep . Their power was in preserving and healing the hurts done to the earth, and to those who were harmed by evil. All betting content is intended for an . Saruman was known for being subtle in speech (with a powerful ability to sway others with his voice) and skilled in smithcraft. We know that one of the elven rings was gifted to Gandalf. With the more powerful becoming all the more corrupted. Anybody else who bore it (non-stop) would eventually be drawn to him, where he would get the Ring back. I also assume that Sauron would have eventually won the war. The stone had a green/purple coloring. In Tolkiens writings, they came across the sea. House of Dragons vs. Be specific and add in your sources, we prefer not to have speculation here. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies Black Adam (2022). 1 What would have happened if Saruman got the ring? But maybe thats a reason why hes Saruman and not Gandalf. The White Wizard put Isengard at Sauron's disposal until his armies were defeated at Helms Deep and his staff was broken by the resurrected Gandalf. I imagine it'd be a similar situation as if Gandalf or Saruman got The Ring. Which probably wouldn't have happened. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Instead of sending armies out to take Minas Tirith, Sauron would have had the majority of his forces concentrated on his borders and sweeping the land in front of it with orcs, men, trolls, and Nazgul. 3 Why didnt Gandalf use the giant eagles? We see this happening when Frodo claims the Ring at the Crack of Doom, and there's no reason to think it would be different for Saruman. First off, it gives us an idea of how dangerous the Ring is- if the head of the Istari and White Council can . Well Gandalf and Galadriel were pretty confident in their ability to defeat Sauron using One Ring! Well what DID the Ring do for Sauron? I know Letter 246 says Sauron himself did not fear the Ring, would not have hesitated to confront a Ring-wielding Frodo, and could easily have forced Frodo to hand the Ring over. Orcs are poster children for corruption, and plague the Fellowship throughout the novels. Yet, he had . Not true. To a lesser degree Faramir's disobedience also saved the Quest. The whole premise of The Lord of the Rings was to keep the One Ring (which existed for a long time) away from the Dark Lord Sauron. So what's a few millennia. Gandalf wasn't even sure if he would be able to break his staff in The Return of the King, and that was a very weakened version of Saruman. He concealed his identity and ran away whenever he was confronted. Frodo was a hobbit with one companion, in the heart of Sauron's realm. What about orcs, or trolls wielding the rings taken from the dwarves? He did not fear Sauron, but rather was forbidden to contest with him directly. But now that he was back in Mordor, he was openly . This is the real reason the eagles question will never die: Its too appetizing for The Lord of the Rings fans. In the case of Sauron it increased his ability to deceive people, entice people to his will, made him stronger and faster then he had been, wiser in the use of his raw poweress, "and he could see and govern the very thoughts of those that wore the lesser Rings of Power." He eventually became the leader of the Istari because of all of them, he had most studied the devices of Sauron of old. In other words, he learned about dark magic and Ringlore and knew the enemy the best of the Istari. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In Rivendell, Frodo all but offers the Ring to Aragorn, saying Then it belongs to you, and not to me at all! (FOTR260). There would have been one less Peter Jackson movie. My own feeling is that since it takes time to learn to master the Ring (also Letter 246), Sauron would have had to pay a visit immediately and before Saruman had the time to achieve this mastery. It was never explained how, but the Elves found a way to block Saurons sight from their Rings. Frodo would have continued into Mordor and odds are he would have been discovered there. However, Gandalf knew that if he being an extremely powerful Maiar just like Sauron had taken the One Ring, he would become no different than the Dark Lord. The White Wizard -- at the height of his power -- could have been a match for the Ringless Dark Lord. For a moment it wavered, looking to the West; but out of the . He would soon surmise Saruman didn't have the Ring and the two halflings were ringers. https://www.patreon.com/thebrokensword-----Also if you want to support in a different way then check out our Teespring page where we upload original designs for our merch! When Sauron was in Dol Guldur, he lay dormant most of the time. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Then Sauron would have had the ring again and either he'd keep Saruman as a servant or just get rid of him for trying to be his equal. He now lives with his family in Lynchburg VA and is an avid outdoorsman. The one ring would have made him more like what he was before he left on his mission to middle-earth, only corrupted and evil. Mostly, though, he most enjoys writing about Star Wars. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Either way, the battle between them would have been a catastrophic lose-lose situation for everyone. It would be difficult for Sauron. Sauron would also realize the captured Halflings did not have the Ring so all the doubt surrounding Aragorn having it would be absent. He also had control of the nine kings and such or was supposed to, although didn't Elrond get a ring yet was present at the battle? Gandalf, however, likely took Saruman's position, not knowing that Saruman had invented the story of it washing out to sea and was looking for the One Ring for himself. Without Gandalf, King Theoden would likely remain under the control of Saruman. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What would have happened to Saruman if Sauron acquired the One Ring? No doubt he would have exercised all his powers searching the area from Parth Galen where the Ringbearer departed to the Black Gate. What are the benefits of digital signatures? This is what Sauron feared that his enemies would do, if they got the Ring; and that's the only reason he feared them. Imagine that, after breaking of Fellowship, Saruman`s Uruk-Hai capture Frodo and bring him, with the ring, to Isengard. It only takes a minute to sign up. At the same time, most of the Elves were leaving Middle-earth, and Saruman betrayed everyone and joined Sauron. As mentioned, the Valar sent the Istari (who are Maiar spirits) to Middle-earth. IIRC the idea of Galadriel taking it scared the bejeezus out of him. Privacy Policy. First of all: Yes, you probably should watch at least The Two Towers before reading much further: that movie is all about Saruman's plans and schemes.. Having said that, there's a combination of things that have driven Saruman to act the way he does in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. - his malice and domination, or something like that. And they are similar to, if slightly less powerful than, the Maiar? Plus, if the Stranger is Saruman, it also makes Gandalfs journey and decisions all the more important and emphasizes an ongoing theme in Tolkiens works: every being has the power to choose between good and evil, or selflessness vs. selfishness. Seem's strange when the ring's main purpose was to rule over the rings/leaders? The heroes in The Lord of the Rings did everything to keep the One Ring away from Sauron, but what would have happened if Saruman had gotten it? They sang in the Music or the Ainur and were commanders of Morgoth's armies. Blake Hawkins has written TV and movie features and recaps for CBR since March of 2021. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Why does Gandalf seek counsel from Saruman about the One Ring after leaving Frodo in the Shire? Saruman tries to master the ring, but he doesn't completely achieve such mastery. 5 Who controlled the Seeing Stone of Minas Anor? Would Saruman have been able to defeat Sauron with the power of the One Ring? If Im not mistaken, he is Vanyar? But the Ring and all its works would have endured. Gandalf was hand-selected and sent by Manw. You must log in or register to reply here. Saruman comes to look down on hobbits. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The Lord of the Rings. He also used his Palantir to spy on Sauron. The one ring would have made him more like what he was before he left on his mission to middle-earth, only corrupted and evil. The chapter is a partly published version of a manuscript now held at the Marquette University (MSS 4/2/31-37); [1] other parts of this manuscript and a time scheme have been included in The . In The Lord of the Rings, the palantri corrupt nearly all who use them. That Saruman is nothing like the Stranger who falls from the sky in The Rings of Power. Today we jump back in time to one of our older videos at one of our What If scenarios! 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. We don't know enough about the powers of the Ring, in the hands of an ambitious wizard how it might have worked as a "devastating weapon" (Letter 246), how, as a symbol, it might in Saruman's hands have affected Sauron's servants and vassals. 4 What if Saruman had never been corrupted? But if only one Istar has come to Middle-earth so far, Saruman is a strong candidate. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Sauron was stronger than Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, but it has to be said that there were a few different shapes of both characters. 2 What would happen if Gandalf had the ring? After all, they would both want the other one's full and utter . Two Blue Wizards went with Saruman into the East. It's possible Saruman would have been able to defeat Sauron. Why Rings of Powers Fight Scenes Are Boring. Tolkien says in Letter 246 that the Ring is not only comparable to "a devastating weapon" (which Frodo doesn't know how to use) but also to "an object of terror in their religious cult, by which they had been conditioned to treat one who wielded it with servility". He could turn invisible and go slowly crazy, which seem to be the width of the one ring's powers. Sauron is the primary villain of The Lord Of The Rings. Here's a hypothesis: Yes, Saruman knew the lore of making such rings but not necessarily the technique (as anyone who has tried to recreate an article based on a knitting or crochet pattern found online can tell you!) But eventually the Ring would subvert their efforts and bring about evil. He is, I suppose, the same order of creature as Sauron himself, so could he? Gandalf feared the power the ring would give him. "Greetings, Naruto Wraithslayer, wielder of the Faerdagnir. Saruman knew good and well what would happen when he tried holding Gandalf. Exactly. What would have happened if Saruman had gotten his hands on the One Ring? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? Since the One Ring is a part of Sauron it could only ever reach its full power under Sauron's control. cbr.com - Blake Hawkins 14h. That was a major concern for Sauron, and one of the reasons he felt constrained to hurry his stroke to gain mastery of the world without the ring. Sauron was the Dark Lord in The Lord of the Rings saga, written by J.R.R. Rohan would've fallen to Saruman and wouldn't have been able to come to the aid of Gondor and helped make the final stand against the forces of Mordor at the Black Gate. But what would have happened if things had worked out differently? Also there is the forest of Fangorn between them I think. After a comment from Gimli, Gandalf adds: "But Isengard cannot fight Mordor, unless Saruman first obtains the Ring. You would have both Saruman and Sauron focused in the same area and it is very unlikely Frodo would have escaped that level of scrutiny even with Gollum leading him on secret paths. rev2023.3.3.43278. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. He wanted the One Ring. Saruman would have made a tasty little morsel for Sauron. The Witch-king of Angmar was the leader of the Nazgl, or Ringwraiths, and the right-hand man of Sauron through much of the Second and Third Ages of . But if they did, Saruman would have had the One Ring in his possession. The Lord of the Rings doesnt have plot holes. Yet, he had something that needed to be done first. How successful would Saruman be finding and capturing the Ringbearer in this scenario is speculative but one has to wonder would Sauron not notice this activity. All of Saruman's scheming nearly came to fruition in The Two Towers. Indeed, Saruman needed no ring to become enslaved. 2) Saurman is defeated by Sauron and the ring is taken from him, destroying Saruman's mind. -----Also check out our other channels!The 6th Ranger - (For all things Power Rangers! Saruman probably would have become the dominant power in Middle Earth and turned it into a pretty crappy place to live. I would think that Saruman, a Maia, would be in that category. He sees the Dark Lord as a rival and also an aspiration. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. But what if the Stranger is a different wizard we all know from The Lord of the Rings? Saruman is ruined when the Riders of Rohan defeat his army and Merry and Pippin prompt the Ents to destroy Isengard. After all, he was extremely powerful in his own right. The key thing to note is that Sauron, by the time of the War of the Ring, lacked the ability to take a. I would not be too sure that Sauron would be the victor, as Saruman spent long years in study of ring-lore. Please message us if we have not credited you! Any idea what set any of these are from? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Knowing where he ends up would make the Strangers current journey all the more fascinating. He had also extensively started studying the lore required to make his own ring of power. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Is the man a thousand times stronger than a normal man? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. That's information that either could potentially use to tip the balance, but perhaps Saruman would also have had awareness that a contest with Sauron was one that he couldn't possibly win? The eagles cant carry the Fellowship to Mordor because Gandalf cant simply summon a squadron of birds to divebomb Mount Doom. In the book it is sort of implied that certain beings with sufficient power (e.g. If Saruman's Uruks had been successful and he had taken possession of the One Ring, how would have things turned out differently in Middle-earth? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Telchar, an uber Dwarven smith who lived in the first age, forged Narsil. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Or perhaps his lust for power would have blinded him to that? The images have been re-edited so I hope you enjoy! Is he stronger than the will of the ring? But it will still never truly be his & he will have to continually fight to dominate it as the One Ring wants to return to its master, who cannot be banished until the Ring is destroyed. Tolkien. When the good wizard Saruman uses one to spy on the peoples of Middle-earth, he is drawn in by its power and ensnared by . It allowed him to recover multiple times after his physical body got destroyed. Tolkien edited by Christopher Tolkien. Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! Whats the threshold of power for a wielder of the one ring to defeat Sauron? He easily would have had mastery over the ring itself. If any being who had the power to use the Ring to its full potential had gotten ahold of it, that being would have been able to easily take on Sauron. [ST:TNG] The First Duty what if there had been no accident? Even though Frodo had a 4-5 day head-start further east and would be entering the Dead Marshes on March 1st, Saruman would also have had a head-start on everyone else in terms of knowledge and certainty. Sarumaon told Gandalf that a new power was rising and noone could srand and therefore they should join that power. Some interesting conjecture, but you're forgetting that if anyone replaced Sauron as the "master" of the One Ruling Ring, they would sever Sauron's tie to the ring and essentially reduce him to an ineffectual spirit who could no longer interact with the physical world. Balrogs are intelligent sentient beings. However, Saruman had planned his rise to power much earlier than that. Is Gandalf the Gray's power actually limited or did he merely promise to not use it? mostly minifigs and decorated bricks. Saruman was corrupted already so was a good candidate for the One Ring, through him it could exert Sauron's will to enslave all Middle-earth. 3 yr. ago. Now, consider Saruman. So, it seems Sauron is not invincible, even with the ring, much less against it. But Saruman was always too prideful for his companions. (Letter 246). Does he use his great voice, enhanced by the One to subjugate the free peoples. Come join us to discuss the works of Tolkien. Saruman joined Sauron only partially. Are there tables of wastage rates for different fruit and veg? In Middle-earth history, it seems likely Saruman arrived before Gandalf did. (OK, just a Numenorean with the largest army and navy in all of history.) Two Maiar duking it out at their full strength would have brought ruin to much of Middle-earth, and that was exactly what the Valar had hoped to avoid in the first place. Hes lost his way in a search for greater power. Gandalf was going to announce that Sauron had found the Ring. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? The Silmarillion says, In the likeness of men they appeared, old but vigorous. Only Crdan the Shipwright knew Sarumans identity.

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what if saruman had gotten the ring