dka simulation scenario

Ziv A, Wolpe PR, Small SD, et al. Discuss the patients current clinical condition with aseniorclinicianusing anSBARR style handover. Make sure to re-assess the patient after any intervention. PDF Diabetic Ketoacidosis in the Obstetric Population: A Simulation Simulation provides a safe environment where learning is enhanced through the deliberate practice of skills and controlled management of a variety of clinical encounters. 4. It was developed for anesthesiology resident physicians with some background knowledge and experience caring for critically ill patients. Please try after some time. - Over 3000 Free MCQs: Below is a collection of donated scenarios for you to use or modify. Does the patient need a referral toHDU/ICU? The simulation experience serves to give substance to the theoretical words and concepts that the students encountered during the PBL sessions. Each clinical case scenario allows you to work through history taking, investigations, diagnosis and management. Using the arterial line, the scenario becomes much more dynamic. modify the keyword list to augment your search. Trainee will recognize the need for therapy and suggest an appropriate therapy in a simulated environment. Therefore, we should not have to take much time on this issue, but we have to focus on the relationship between the biochemistry and clinical signs and symptoms by asking why the patient is dehydrated, why acidosis develops, why respiration is rapid and deep (Kussmaul) respirations, and what the rationale for inpatient treatment is. This article originally appeared in March 2011 JEMS as Diabetes Demonstration: Simulation-based learning works best., Simulation Training Ideal for Diabetic Patients, CMS Begins Reprocessing Retroactive Payments, Documents Detail EMTs Failure to Aid Tyre Nichols, New Course Lets Bystanders Be the Help Until Help Arrives, All Paramedic Recruits in New Castle County (DE) Obtain NRP Certification, International Prehospital Medicine Institute Literature Review, March 2023. Insert the airway bevel-end first, vertically along the floor of the nose with a slight twisting action. The scenario would include an if-then algorithm. Askhow the patient is feeling as this may provide some useful information about their current symptoms. It involves a facilitating instructor, a small learner group and conceptual aspects of environmental and manikin staging to provide sensory cues. 1) Please read through this document as it will help you prepare for your upcoming simulation on DKA. Simulation Scenario for Anesthesia Providers Clark Obr, MD*, Anthony Mueller, MD *Corresponding author: Abstract Introduction: This simulation on diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in . When erroneous treatment is delivered, the instructor can end the simulation. Prehosp Emerg Care. This is a combination of the modified traditional lecture within scenario-based learning. In some cases, normal saline with additional potassium is required to prevent overcorrection of serum potassium levels which would otherwise result in hypokalaemia. 3. SimMan Nursing Scenarios Software - After entering the environment, the student doesnt have the option of leaving the simulation until the learning objectives and performance measures are achieved. 2008;6:278302. You should have another member of the clinical team aiding you in your ABCDE assessment, such a nurse, who can perform observations, take samples to the lab and catheterise if appropriate. See ourfluid prescribing guidefor more details onresuscitation fluids. Given 6 to 8 back-to-back sessions, it is critical that every session starts and ends on time! Facilitator to ask how often to measure BMs #geekymedics #fyp #fypviral #studytok #medicalstudentuk #medtok #studytips #studytipsforstudents #medstudentuk #premed #medschoolfinals #shorts, Cardiovascular Exam Tips - DON'T FORGET these 3 things , Watch this video to find out the most COMMONLY FORGOTTEN components of the cardiovascular history! Save this video to help prepare for your upcoming OSCEs and dont forget to follow Geeky Medics! In other words, they do not have clinical experience, but they have clinical knowledge. For diabetic assessment involving DKA, staging may include the use of a container with a small amount of acetone placed near the manikin because many students may not know what acetone smells like but will expect to smell something. After initial insulin therapy has reduced plasma blood glucose levels (e.g. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Assess the patients pulse and blood pressure: Inspect the patient from the end of the bed: they may appear drowsy, confused and/or clammy/pale. Well done, youve now stabilised the patient and theyre doing much better. Conclusion In this section, we have to guide them as to what they should do first for the patient in this critical condition (ie, treat the A, B, Cs of airway, breathing, and circulation) before we can confirm the diagnosis. Introduceyourselfto whoever has requested a review of the patient andlistencarefullyto their handover. This simulation session therefore aims to make the case come alive, and show this known case in a clinical context. She had developed nausea, extreme fatigue, mild disorientation, and blurred vision toward the end of the soccer match. Data Description All the product records are stored at /user/spark/dataset/retail_db/products All the category records are stored at /user/spark/dataset /ret. You might also be interested in our awesome bank of 700+ OSCE Stations. Typically potassium levels should be maintained between 4.0 5.5 mmol/L and close monitoring is required. Much time was wasted explaining why it did not matter. The patient was placed in the supine position and was a little confused as well as drowsy but at times had a good verbal response (Glasgow Coma Scale 15/15). She began experiencing progressively worsening thirst, increased appetite, and excessively increased urination. Finally, we summarize the course and give them time for questions. Use blankets to re-warm patients who are mild to moderately hypothermic. Acad Med. CCA 175 Real Time Exam Scenario 17 | JOIN Multiple DataFrames | Save as Check out our NEW & IMPROVED quiz platform at, To be the first to know about our latest videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel . Perform urinalysis and send the urine for culture if urinary tract infection is suspected. An arterial blood gas (ABG) can provide lots of useful information to guide management including: A chest X-ray may be indicated if abnormalities are noted on auscultation (e.g. Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening illness which classically presents with polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia that can rapidly progress to severe dehydration and altered mental status from cerebral edema. We try to provide sufficient realism.. Diabetic Ketoacidosis: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario - Examples 05:45 Healthcare Students' Psychological Well-Being in a Diabetic Ketoacidosis Simulation. Topic: Abdominal TraumaTitle: Motorcycle CrashTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Adrenal CrisisTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTitle: Anaphylaxis In An InpatientTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Alison Rodger, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTitle: Bee Sting In An 8 Month OldAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: ApneaTitle: Drowning In A 3 Year OldAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: Asthmatic Protocol for EDTitle: Branching Scenario: 3 Treatment Routine ER - Pediatric PatientTargets: Emergency Department Staff and Respiratory Therapy StudentsAuthor / Instituation: Carl Rod, MS, RRT, RCP, Rose State College RT Clinical Simulation Labclick here to download, Topic: Atrial FibrillationTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download plus chart documents here, Topic: Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia from Digoxin ToxicityTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: BradicadiaTitle: Bradycardic Arrest - Carotid Sinus MassTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: BurnTitle: Cigarette FireTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: BurnTitle: Meth Lab Explosion Target: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Cardiac ArrestTarget: Inter-professional Team TrainingAuthor / Institution: Alim Nagji, Krista Dowhos / Joseph Brant Hospitalclick here to download, Topic: Chest and Abdominal TraumaTitle: Auto AccidentTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Mediating Conflict Title: Managing Family Members with Different Views Target: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Crohns FlareTitle: Complicated CrohnsTarget: PGY1Author / Institution:Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Delirious, Combative / Violent Patient Management Title: DeliriumTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Delivering Bad NewsTitle: Delivering Bad News after a StrokeTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Difficult AirwayTitle: Ace Inhibitor AngioedemaTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Difficult AirwayTitle: Difficult / Failed AirwayTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Disclosure of an Adverse EventTitle: Retained Guidewire from a Central LineTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: DKATarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath)Title: Acute Pulmonary Edema requiring intubationTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath)Title: Severe Asthma requiring intubationTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Electrical StormTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download plus chart documents here, Topic: Emergent Med-Surg ResponseTitle: MET/RRT ResponseTargets: Response Teams, House Staff and Respiratory Therapy StudentsAuthor / Instituation: Carl Rod, MS, RRT, RCP, Rose State College RT Clinical Simulation Labclick here to download, Topic: EtOH WithdrawalTitle: EtOH Withdrawal SiezureTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Febrile NeutropeniaTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Head TraumaTitle: Four Storey FallTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Head TraumaTitle: Hit by MotorboatTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: HypertensionTitle: Aortic DissectionTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: HypertensionTitle: Autonomic DysreflexiaTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Hypertensive EmergencyTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Hypertensive EmergencyTitle: Diastolic Danger Hypertensive Urgency / EmergencyTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Hailey Hobbs, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: HypoxiaTarget: Inter-professional Team TrainingAuthor / Institution: Devin Sydorclick here to download, Topic: Inferior StemiTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Labor and delivery, postpartum hemorrhageTitle: Normal Delivery with PPHTarget: Maternal - Child Course - Nursing EducationAuthor / Institution: Kelly McMunnclick here to download, Topic: PEA Arrest (pulseless electrical activity)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Pelvic FractureTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Penetrating Thoracic TraumaTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: PneumoniaTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: PneumoniaTitle: Community Acquired PneumoniaTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Iain Arseneau, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Pulmonary EmbolismTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Ruptured Ectopic PregnancyTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - Crohn's IntraabdominalTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - DKA and PneumoniaTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - Febrile NeutropeniaTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: ShockTitle: Blunt Trauma Causing a High Spinal Cord Injury with Neurogenic ShockTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: ShockTitle: Hemorrhagic Shock in an Elderly Pedestrian stuck by a VehicleTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: ShockTitle: Penetrating Chest Trauma Causing Obstructive ShockTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Snake BiteTarget: ER residentsAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: Status AsthmaticusTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Unknownclick here to download, Topic: Status Epilepticus - Apnea Post-BenzodiazepinesTitle: Seven month old with Status EpilepticusTarget: Pediatric ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Keith Gregoireclick here to download, Topic: StrokeTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Subdural Hemorrhage Title: SDH and DOACTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Syncope / TorsadesTitle: Syncope / Torsades in the setting of acquired prolonged QTTarget: PGY1Author / Institution:Tasha Kulai, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Tachycardia Rapid AFTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxic Shock SyndromeTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - Bupivicaine OverdoseTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - Hydrofluoric Acid BurnsTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - OrganophosphatesTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Upper GastrointestinalI BleedTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingTitle: GI BleedTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Viral bronchiolitis in infants requiring intubationTitle: Apnea in the infant with RSV bronchiolitisTarget: Pediatric ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Mike Storrclick here to download.

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