The smaller block will disappear and the larger one above the switch will be back. Link's original boots. Equip your Lens of Truth and find an invisible treasure chest in front of the bars in that passage. The Mirror Shield is extremely versatile. Like Likes despise the shield because its mirrory surface is so bright. It's frequency of these actions will increase and decrease through proximity to the secret. During the boss fight with Twinrova, the Mirror Shield is used in two ways. Jump in and grab the Hylian Shield from the chest for nothing. [citation needed]. When worn underwater, they can be used to walk along the bottom of lakes and rivers. 2 diamonds. The seed bag will come with the Slingshot and have a capacity of 30 seeds. * New mirror shield model, modified from Original model. Tiny room, east, 1F: Use Din's Fire, then hit the switch to make a Like-Like drop and finish it off with your sword. The Mirror Shield also plays an important part in defeating Twinrova, the boss of the Spirit Temple. Go over to it, stand next to the blue switch and play the Song of Time again. Unlike the Hylian Shield, it cannot be consumed by a Like Like (due to that fact that there is only one found in the game, and cannot be purchased in any store) and it will destroy certain projectiles instead of reflecting them. The mirror shield is a highly polished metal shield that reflects and concentrates bright light, and also enemy attacks. The 3DS uses a different design, so I kept with the original from the first release. Given to you by King Zora after you melt the red ice encasing him with bottled blue fire. Exit the room and open the locked door. In particular, you can use this to equip mirror shield as child, and then use SRM Farore's Wind to warp to Twinrova. We want to write the value 0 for adult (1 is child, basically every other value crashes). In the Nintendo 64 version of Ocarina of Time, the shield possessed a symbol almost identical to the crescent moon and star symbol which originated with the Ottoman Empire, and is now used as a proxy symbol for Islam. Unlike the Hylian shield, which is customary to have a red Royal Crest and being mostly blue, the Mirror Shield is more one of a kind, somewhat. She asks you to fetch something for her. They are found in the Ice Cavern after defeating the White Wolfo. While you will receive the Light Arrows automatically, you can get the third optional arrow: Ice Arrows. It is located in a treasure chest that can be reached after defeating an Iron Knuckle, a mini-boss of the dungeon. With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Enter a shop and you can sometimes go through the counter. An upgrade to the Silver, used to unblock the large obelisk from a Great Fairy Fountain. This blue tunic allows Link to magically breathe underwater. This magical shield can reflect light, some magical spells, and just deflect regular attacks like a regular shield (some attacks may not be deflected, like Octorok rocks). It can only be obtained in a Linked Game, via upgrading the Wooden Shield into the Iron Shield, and further upgrading into the Mirror Shield through both gameplay and using a password. For the re-released versions (post-September 11, 2001) of Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo Gamecube, this symbol was changed to a brand new symbol so as not to cause controversy. It's thought that the Mirror Shield has magic Power.". Probably because some people find it offensive the cresent moon and the star resembles the Pakistani flag to avoid accusations of being 'racist', Nintendo just edited it. First, Longshot over the river of sand to the crates on the opposite side. Paired off with the Master Sword, the Mirror Shield can be bought in the Pollux Shop, Rigel Shop or the Aldebaran Shop for 2200 Gold while playing the Weapon Master Mode. If you want to try out wiki markup without damaging a page, why not use the sandbox? There's an eye switch there. The Mirror Shield can be regained by purchasing one at any Market for 80 Rupees, as it appears in shops after upgrading the Iron Shield. These are the only boots Link can wear as a child. A small key is inside. Required for the Fire Temple, wandering about the Death Moutain Crater and for a portion of Ganondorf's castle. For example, if an Octorok spat a rock at Link while he is defending, it will automatically shoot the rock back at the enemy. Acquistion:Costs 200 rupees, and is stronger than the Master Sword. Any of the three bushes should work, actually, although as usual you have to make sure the bomb explosion doesn't destroy whichever bush you're grabbing. Superior in damage to the Kokiri Sword. This video is a setup for how to solve both problems (NTSC 1.2 only). Its damage reduction effect can also be further increased by crafting its enhanced Badges. (Change the last 4 digits for varying times left on the screen, 001F seems to be the most reasonable because it stays a bit, but not so long that it has to . In the next step of heap manip, you need to make sure these events occur in order 1) collect the two bush rupees 2) drop bombchu 3) drop bugs 4) bombchu explodes 5) drop two bombs 6) bugs burrow and despawn 7) load goron city room 8) bombs explode. The first attempt, if you get over 1000 points will get you a heart piece. Cookie Notice Just takes a very easy cutscene dive to fall through the water and enter the well early. Mirror room, 4F: Roll into the box in the northeast corner of this room to discover a hidden switch. more_vert. It cannot be stolen by Pikits, but in A Link to the Past & Four Swords, it can be still eaten by Like Like. Shoot it to nab a small key. And you can discuss The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom here ! Go back into the room with the large mirror and shine a light onto the sun block on the wall. Head back to our Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time. In Soulcalibur II, the Mirror Shield from Ocarina of Time is one of shields available to Link. Activate the Lens of Truth to see a Poe that will start floating away. Some quantity digits (14, 15, 16, 10) are by Gray Vader. There's a tombstone with flowers around it in the first row of graves in Kakariko Graveyard. In certain cases, it can even reflect enemy attacks. It is located in a treasure chest that can be reached after defeating an Iron Knuckle, a mini-boss of the dungeon. While Link guards with the Mirror Shield, any projectiles that hit it are converted into a beam that shoots back in the direction that Link is facing. Acquistion:Close to the home of the Know-It-All brothers in the Kokiri forest is a small fenced in area labeled the training grounds. The Hero of Time was struck directly in the chest; he didn't even have time to cry out in anger or pain. The surface of the shield will be made of very strong resin to resist light impacts, while the inside will be filled with foam to keep the weight down during cosplay. In order to do this, one must first reach the seam above the entrance. You can use the control stick to change the angle of the shield. Link "borrows" this sword, a blade of much importance to the Kokiri, at the beginning of his quest. Paired off with the Master Sword, the Mirror Shield can be bought in the Pollux Shop, Rigel Shop or the Aldebaran Shop for 2200 Gold while playing the Weapon Master Mode. Personally I like the new design better. Every ten tokens you can take your collection to the Skulltula House in Kakariko Village, and be awarded variousprizes. Statue hall, 2F: Go to the southeast corner and climb up the brick wall. Small chamber, east, 2F: Use your hookshot on the treasure chest up on the tall stone wall and open the chest to get a small key. It does a small amount of damage, and is often hard to use to defeat powerful monsters. Link floats in air if you run off a hill. It is the final shield that Link obtains in the game. For more information, please see our The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the fifth game in the acclaimed Legend of Zelda series, directed and produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, who also worked on other Nintendo classics like Super Mario and Donkey Kong. If you hit the switch, the waterflow in this room will stop, permitting you to get through -- for a limited time. These are proof of destroying Gold Skulltulas. Otherwise, the Mirror Shield acts the same except for the fact that it also destroys the projectiles spat at Link by Octoroks, Deku Scrubs, and Business Scrubs, instead of reflecting them. This code has problems on Hyrule field when Link is a kid. These codes may delete saved files sometimes. If it's destroyed, you can just buy another one to replace it. The Golden Gauntlets are acquired in Ganon's Castle in the Shadow Barrier room. However, the Water Temple can be completed without the tunic. As you probably expected, the Mirror Shield you found in this Temple is an integral part of the fight. Take it out of the pedestal in the Temple of Time, fast forward seven years to a darker world as an adult. Quantity digits were provided by Kamek, AntGalore and Laugh10704. It can be found at House of Skulltulla in Kakariko Village. It is the second, and final, Shield and automatically replaces the Hero's Shield once obtained. Uploaded by Activate the crystal switch and drop down into the hole. A The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (LOZ:OOT3D) Mod in the Link category, submitted by skilarbabcock . The block will appear on the opposite side of the room. [verification needed] It is simply able to block things that the Iron Shield cannot. In gameplay press L and go to next room/area, most everything will be gone. Large room, east, 3F: Push the sun block on the left side of the room into the light to make glass platforms appear, then use the hookshot to get on top of the glass block in the middle of the room. Follow it through the wasteland, avoiding the Leevers that emerge from the sand, until you reach the Desert Colossus. In The Minish Cap, the Mirror Shield can only be obtained after defeating Vaati in Dark Hyrule Castle. They have been altered to look closer to the way they appeared in Ocarina of Time.-A custom made OoT Master Sword This map is known as , or "Sasa Test", in the Map Select menu. Open the locked door and go through. [5] It occasionally must be paired with another light beam to successfully solve a puzzle, usually by utilizing Medli's Harp as it acts much, if not the same, as the Mirror Shield does regarding light. It is the best shield in the game. It can deflect magical attacks and River Zora fireballs with ease. Its length and power have been severely weakened (it is about 1/4 of the power of the fixed version) to the point where it rivals a pocket knife, but it can still be used to attack enemies. Kill the two mummies and exit the room. 8011A60E 0001. All others are by Kong K. Rool! Look on the screen with golden scale, gold gauntlets, etc. These boots let Link briefly walk across midair. Remember to follow our editing guidelines when improving existing articles. You can test it out immediately in Kakariko Village by wandering into the middle of the town. It is also used in the battle against Jalhalla. Buy Ocarina of Time Mirror Shield: Mixed Media - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases The other five will give you the corresponding Medallion to their Sage title and their Temple title. To get Hover or Iron Boots, replace the next to last digit (from 1 to 2 for Iron Boots and 1 to 3 for Hover Boots). After showing Zelda's letter to the guard in Kakariko Village you can go buy the shield from the Bazaar for 60 rupees instead. It reflects light, and can even deflect Beamos beams. It is the most powerful shield in the game. In this game, it is used to reflect light on to sun symbols and walls . There are two main ways of doing this: Method 1 - Hover from the Bottom These will often be used in conjunction with the Zora Tunic in Lake Hylia and the Water Temple. You can also get another capacity upgrade by 10 by bombing the rolling goron in Goron City when playing as Young Link. It destroys the projectiles spat at Link by Octoroks and Deku Scrubs, instead of reflecting them. Link can also use it to reflect beams of light. You're done for now, but if you have some Magic Beans plant some next to the temple entrance before you warp back to the Temple of Time. 31 Kokiri Sword/Mirror Shield. You can upgrade this by ten twice, for a total of 50 seed maximum capacity. Just use axby+r for songs and then use l to exit or something. In Link's Awakening, the Mirror Shield is found in Eagle's Tower. [2][name reference needed] It is a powerful Shield that allows Link to reflect Light Beams or Magic from one place to another. Games like The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker use the Mirror Shield to reflect light, and it can be used to reflect giant beams of energy in A Link to the Past. Leave the temple now to learn Requiem of Spirit from Sheik. If you want to see the younger Link from Ocarina of Time and more, click here. Not everyone is going to carry one around, so the designs don't have to look the same. It may have been named for an Ocarina of Time cinema scene programmer called Makoto Sasaki.. Undeclared. The post was edited 1 time, last by deekay (Nov 28th 2008, 3:36am). Use the L button. Use Invisible Mirror Shield: 8011A641 0031: Use Sword Case As Shield: 8011A641 0041 . 8011A653 0011. This is your standard bag for Young Link's Fairy Slingshot. This technique was found by natalyahasdied and myself (with help from . Exit the room through the now open door. The boss fight is separated into two phases and takes place on a central high platform surrounded by side platforms. Statue hall, 2F: You enter a large room with a giant statue. The Zora's Sapphire will be given to you by Princess Ruto after you rescue her and clean out Jabu-Jabu's belly. - Use some setup to get angle 9108. Ah.. the star and crescent. To activate the boots, simply walk off of a ledge. 30 Mirror Shield/Adult Sword. It will alert you to hidden secrets by having it's icon appear in the upper left corner of your top screen, flashing and making a noise. Statue hall, 2F: Make your way up the right stairway to go to the room with the sun idol on the ground. It is both a weapon and the key for traveling back and forth between child and adult Link. The first upgrade is received by winning the Shooting Gallery challenge as Young Link in the Hyrule Town Square. Rush over and deliver a few slashes before she returns to the air and repeats the process (If you are using Biggoron's Sword be sure to put it away before trying to use your shield). The effect is that instead of the code writing to 801FAC84 (some random variable in the overlay), it writes to 8011AC84 (Link's current age). Have Biggoron's Sword Cheat. It is obtained by defeating three Stalfos, the Minibosses of the Earth Temple. It was one the most highly anticipated games of its age, being listed by numerous websites and magazines among the greatest video games ever created. Link needs two hands to wield this sword, leaving him without a shield for defense, but the strength and length of the blade are worth it. Head to the room with the giant statue. See Biggoron's Sword for more information. Jump down and take out the nasty giant with your bow and arrow (or any other way you see fit). This may be due to the fact that the game itself is being emulated on the GameCube, and the emulator is imperfect, resulting in a graphical error. (It's interesting that we can actually jump into the fish's code even after it unloads, as long as nothing loads over the same memory and overwrites it. [verification needed] It is simply able to block things that the Iron Shield cannot. The second design, it just seems weird because it's really nothing at all. Luckily, these bushes in lost woods have angle C000 which will cause them to write exactly the zero that we need. This makes stuff lean including doors, and it also opens up some stuff. Run upstairs first to get rid of the flying pot and jump from the very top of the stairway down to the blue block. Just hold down R while exiting somewhere to go to that place. NOW let the discussion begin. After having a dream about Princess Zelda being attacked in front of the Castle Town, the fairy Navi and the Great Deku Tree send him on a quest to find Zelda and stop a great evil, on which he would earn the title of "Hero of Time.". Mirror Shield Defect. There's no real purpose to this code, but it's neat though to see the intro part when the horse goes by itself! This article could use a cleanup These are the three sacred Stones you will need to acquire as Young Link in order to gain access to the Temple of Time. [+] means this can only be used if your game is saved as Young Link, [*] means it only works as Adult. Statue hall, 2F: Repeat what you did before and place the wooden crate on the switch in the statue's right hand. Pulling back on this will reveal a secret hole! You will then need to follow the flags posted throughout the wasteland. You're still trying to use her own magic against her, but this time the Mirror Shield will actually absorb her attacks and store them. Statue hall 3F: Equip your Fire Arrows and light the torches on the pillars located to the left, right, and straight ahead. The Mirror Shield is found in Level 8 in Ancient Stone Tablets. It's the default wallet given to you when you start the game. Turn around and use your Lens of Truth to see the treasure chest on the other side of the room. It simply breaks them. It should play out the same way, although you're expected to do a lot more damage. in order to be more legible and/or presentable. In Hyrule Warriors, the Mirror Shield from Majora's Mask appears as a Defense Badge. The key to defeating both phases is by using the Mirror Shield to reflect fire and ice attacks. The Legend Of Zelda - The Minish Cap Rom is the 12th in The Legend of Zelda's series with an adventure story and gameplay. I personally liked the design of th AlttP one the best, oh and that symbol on the redesgined OoT Mirror Shiled is the Gerudo symbol. You'll meet up with Rauru, the Light Sage, who will grant you it. You need the `moon jump' code in places, so you don't get stuck or fall. These upgrades can be performed in either order. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It can reflect light, and is vital for progressing through the Ikana Castle and solving the few light puzzles in the Stone Tower Temple. Ocarina of Time. (Remember, you have to equip your new shield first, then put away your sword by pressing A, then use the shield with R.) The north door will open. Unlike the other test maps, Room 117 has four different setups, corresponding to Child (Day), Child (Night), Adult (Day), and Adult (Night). The gear menu will be where you can view your total tokens. Using the Mirror Shield is the only way to solidify Poes and thereby required to defeat Jalhalla, and allows Dark Chuchus to be turned to stone. It can store up to 200 rupees maximum. This powerful blade can be crafted by a giant Goron, Medigoron, in Goron City for 200 rupees, provided that you've opened his shop using Bombs. This fire-red tunic protects Link from the intense heat of the volcanic interior of Death Mountain and Fire Temple. Mischievous Hero When in their combined form, the Mirror Shield can absorb Twinrova's energies, and after three of the same type of energy is absorbed, a beam of that element is fired that can stun Twinrova temporarily for a quick few slashes. There are no reviews yet. As in Ocarina of Time, the Mirror Shield can block Twinrova's energy attacks, although it cannot reflect them, nor can it reflect anything else the other Shields cannot. It can reflect the lasers from Laser Eyes. Pull the second block into the light as well if you want -- it'll make a treasure chest appear that contains a recovery heart. The original version of the Mirror Shield resembled the real-world star and crescent symbol, but this was changed in later releases and remakes to the Crest of the Gerudo because of Nintendo's policy of avoiding real-world religious imagery. In Link's Awakening, the Mirror Shield is located in Eagle's Tower. Large room, east, 3F: Climb up onto the walkway with the crystal switch and jump down to the other side. All are absolutely fine, in my opinion! It decreases the damage taken from battles with Darkness as a recommended element. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Wiki Guide, The Spiritual Stones: Kokiri's Emerald / Goron's Ruby / Zora's Sapphire, Medallions: Light / Forest / Fire / Water / Shadow / Spiri, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. This sword does a higher level of damage to monsters, and is the only sword that can defeat pure evil. He also appeared in Majora's Mask. The post was edited 1 time, last by Maetora (Nov 28th 2008, 3:21am). If you obtain it in the shop before unfreezing King Zora, he won't give you a tunic. The Mirror Shield is found in the adult portion of the Spirit Temple in Ocarina of Time. Stairway, 4F: Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the locked door, then continue up to the right and go through the door. Use Din's Fire quickly to stun them, then throw bombs to take them all out. Just stand at the edge of the red tiles when you're doing this and you can't miss. This magical shield can reflect light, some magical spells, and just deflect regular attacks like a regular shield (some attacks may not be deflected, like Octorok rocks). It cannot be removed. This tunic allows you to stay underwater indefinitely. The Mirror Shield is found in the adult portion of the Spirit Temple in Ocarina of Time. Hit it with your sword or hammer to open the door. Due to popular demand (2 people) I have also made a version using the original crescent moon symbol from Ocarina of Time 1.0, the texture also made by IssueLink. The first number is the "?" Statue hall 2F: Go to the southeast corner of the area. . The post was edited 3 times, last by Maetora (Nov 28th 2008, 3:56am). =\ I don't see why that's such a big deal, I mean, it's just a video game. In the Fire Temple, the music evolved into an Islamic prayer chant (sampled from a third-party sound library, as reported by GameTrailers) that could be considered offensive to Muslim players, so the chant ended up being removed in subsequent production runs of the N64 . If you obtain the Biggoron Sword or re-purchase the Giant's Knife, this weapon will disappear from your inventory. Walking directly forward will temporarily mess up your angle, but sideways and diagonal seem to both be fine. This will create a continuous beam to the main chamber., This section describes a subject that is or may be outside the core Zelda. East chamber, 1F: Pull the tombstone and step on the switch. It is the final shield that Link obtains in the game. Don't use gameplay menu, it will freeze the game. He landed with a thud against one of the poison-tipped pikes, thankfully missing the deadly point. If you really want the Ocarina of time feel, N64 is the way to go, you might even score a version where they still have the controversial religious chants in the fire temple/symbol on the mirror shield/the . Now the fight will change slightly. Very carefully work your way across the desert by following the flags, until you reach a small stone building, atop which is a plaque that hints at using the Lens of Truth. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest games ever made, but it doesn't have much in the way of hard boss fights. It's another prize to claim after collecting 30 Golden Skulltulla tokens. (apperently not only the logo is changed but more things in the game where also changed). (What?) But don't kill him yet. (Cut grass, open chests, throw rocks, etc for rupees. Open the treasure chest to get asmall'key. Drop down to the first floor, avoid the blades, and open the door. East entrance hall, 1F: Crawl through the hole, kill the Torch Slugs (spin attacks work great) and shoot the eye switch to turn off the fire so that you can grab the hearts. Mirror Shield from Outside. @picmaniac02 - Regarding the framerate in 3D; as said in the review . Mystery room, northwest, 1F: Enter and smash the switch with your hammer. 8111A605 03E7. If its eaten permanently by a Like Like, another one can be purchased in the Zora Shop. It requires two hands to use but is worth it as it can take out a poe in one hit and regular ReDeads in two hits. Go back to the room with the blue block and the narrow walkways, then unlock the door to the left and enter the next room. The Mirror Shield does not fire a beam when hit by an enemy at close range. Spider's lair, northwest, 1F: Cast Din's Fire to take out all the spiders and use the lens to make sure there are no invisible enemies. Unlike the Hylian Shield, the Mirror Shield has a polished surface, allowing it to reflect light. Exit through the door on the third floor. Warp back to the temple and return as grown-up Link. For some places with pits, go down slowly, or go back up then down to make sure rooms load correctly. Alongside the main model, I've included custom high definition Ocarina of Time item models for use with the model. After about 20 minutes of not having a shield, Link can return to Veil Falls, where Biggoron gives Link the Mirror Shield. After defeating Vaati, Link can find Biggoron at the peak of Veil Falls and let him eat his Small Shield. . This is the basic green tunic that Link begins his adventure with. Jump down to the statue's hand marked with the Triforce logo, play Zelda's Lullaby and collection the rupees from the treasure chest, then come back up here and go through the door. The Mirror Shield in The Minish Cap can reflect projectiles shot at Link right back at the enemy with a light beam. Crawl through the tunnel and open the door on the other side. The Great Deku Tree sends the Fairy Navi to Link, who serves as the boy's Fairy companion for the duration of the game. The other way for another upgrade will be a simple challenge in the Lost Woods. Come back to this room either by using Farore's Wind or by going the long way, then go through the right door. It is required to enter the Ancient Castle of Ikana as well as solve some light puzzles in there and Stone Tower Temple. The Silver Scale allows Link to dive for up to six seconds. Battle room, 4F: You have to fight another Iron Knuckle. The old design fits in well since its the original and all. Use your shield to shine light onto the sun block in the first room, then go to the second cobra mirror and turn it at the handles into the direction of the large mirror in the other room (hurry . See the announcement post for more details on how to join the board! The glitch only works as child at night, and it's impossible to defeat Twinrova as child due to not being able to equip mirror shield. Entrance Hall West, 1F: Collect the silver rupees, then hit the boulder with your hammer. Although Link's offense and defense stays the same when he equips this shield, all of the hits the young hero takes are counters, and 33% of damage received is inflicted back to the opponent.[6]. Days will become 5 seconds long. Try it. The Mirror Shield can only be found in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages if the player is playing a Linked Game. It will go off, where you can plant a bomb to open a hole in the ground. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. Head back to the room with the large statue by going through the left door in the next room. Use your hookshot and fire it at the grate covering the entrance, then go inside and unlock the door to the final battle. As the damage accumulates, the Iron Knuckle begins to shed its armor -- it's almost dead! Play the Song of Time again. Ocarina of Time, in the original Nintendo 64 version, had two major religious references: The Fire Temple's music sampled a group of men chanting an Islamic call-to-prayer. OMG everyone knows. C-Down while on Epona. It doesn't count unlessyou collect these tokens. tmnt x reader mating season wattpad. If I find out I'll report back. I actually liked the old design betterthe Cresent and Star is something I've never forgotten from the Zelda series. Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons, Infinite Time To Ride Epona At Lon Lon's Ranch, Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier Digits (Part 2), Golden Gauntlet + 2nd Bomb Bag (Holds 50) + 2nd Quiver (Holds 30) + Golden Scale, Text For Item Always Shown In Inventory Menu, Receive A Heart Container When You Press C or A Buttons, Equip An Item To More Than One C-Button, Double Defense Power (White Border Around Hearts), Fishing Rod Equipped to B-Button, Young Link Looks Like He Is Riding The Master Sword, Access Japanese Version of Zelda, Enter A Town To Make Time of Day- Night, Use Any Item Inside Houses (Not Under/In Water), Safety On (Nobody Or Thing Gets Hurt), Enemies Don't Come Out At Night On Hyrule Field, Walk Through Under Wall At Temple of Time, Infinite Time To Race The Running Man, Go Through Blockade Walls (Ice/gates), Go Through Most Blockade Walls and Ice Sheet In Zora's Domain, Link Always Holds His Shield With One Arm, Link Doesn't Like To Hold His Shield, Turn Longshot Into A Deku Nut Launcher/Nuts Don't Seem To Work, Link Rides Messed Up Horse Sideways, Kid Link With Invisible Steel Boots On, Kid Link With Invisible Hover Boots On, Hearts Fill Life More/To Maximum, Link Takes Off To The Sky Like A Rocket (Freezes), Swipe Stays on Screen Permanantly, IMPORTANT: A version 2.2 or higher Gameshark is.
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