tv shows that pass the bechdel test

2022 Galvanized Media. A scene fails this step if any of the three lines in the back-and-forth mention any of the main male characters by name, a male pronoun like he or his, or any of a short list of other male identifiers, such as men, boyfriend, dad, or mr. Girls TripGirls Trip is everything. The Marvelous Mrs. MaiselYou must have been living under a rock if you havent heard of this one. Um, no. Some deviations from reality were for humor; some were for drama. although I'm pretty sure Megillat Esther does not pass the Bechdel Test), the . While there are two female characters, Snow White and the Evil Queen, the latter is not given a name in the film. Congratulations to Fast & Furious 7: Furious 7 for becoming the fifth movie in Big Stupid Movie Month to pass the Bechdel test. American supervillain. Mary Berry Cooks / Headline Publishing Group / Headline Publishing Group. Issa Rae embodies all of these qualities in her character, Issa. Euphoria doesnt shy away from topics that would never have been included in a teen show ten years ago. BA1 1UA. Here's 10 from the past 25 year that may surprise you. Finally, the mother/daughter scenes have nothing to do with Bill and everything to do with The Bride realising that the reason for her revenge - her dead child - has actually been alive all this time. Were ready for Season 6! The View from the Window by Carina Paredes-Rivera. Don't get too bogged down in the requirements of the Bechdel Test test though because even if you're not sure what it means, every film on this list is a great movie in its own right, so you won't be disappointed. Aaron Sorkin, the films writer, actually commented on the lack of three-dimensional female characters in an interview with Stephen Colbert, saying that the women are prizes. And, sure, maybe its not realistic to have female characters in historically accurate movies set on ships in the 18th century, such as 2003sMaster and Commander with Russell Crowe, which features zero females. Irish sport images provided by Inpho Photography Go ahead and watch a few episodes while at work. It's worth noting though that this is in a series that shows women's asses at every opportunity & had gold-painted dancing girls earlier. Pen15 might give you flashbacks to being a preteen. But what makes this show pass the Bechdel test so handily is her relationship with her manager played by the brilliant Alex Borstein (she is everything). Grace and FrankieHow often do we get to see older women rise up against adversity with a whole lot of laughter and a whole lot of love? In 1985, American cartoonist Alison Bechdel included the idea for the Bechdel test (also known as the BechdelWallace test) in a comic strip called The Rule. Washington Post, many films and TV shows fail the Bechdel Test (Rosenberg, 2015). Its about a group of young gay men in San Francisco and the only named female character is Doris. Definitely not. While the show is problematic in a few important ways, it does move the needle, but frankly its just nice to watch fantasy with less cleavage for a change. And, apparently, successfully robbing banks is one of the things they can accomplish together. Spoiler alert: Her secret doesnt stay a secret, and when her real age is revealed, she has to figure out how to repair broken relationships. Should it be dismissed entirely? They trade quips a few times, like when Prof. McGonagall makes a comment about always wanting to use that spell to Mrs. Weasley when she brings the stone statues to life, or when Mrs. Weasley calls Bellatrix a bitchbut no one actually responds and, yknow, talks. 5. This special show gives us hope, makes us feel good, and reminds us that aging doesnt have to be awful (despite all those anti-aging ads). Like Harry Potter, there are a few brief moments where female characters say a single line at each other, but they dont actually hold a conversationexcept in one scene, where Neytiri and her mother have a drawn out discussion. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, To pass this step I looked for a three-line sequence. You can obtain a copy of the During the comic relief French Lesson scene (Act 3, Scene 4) Alice teaches Katherine how to speak French and there is no mention of men whatsoever. Eat Sleep Die (2012) However, since her name is never mentioned in the film, it fails the test. Wikipedia says that Ms. Bechdel prefers the name "Bechdel-Wallace test". Here are ten television shows today that pass the Bechdel Test. If so, then the very first episode aired passes. All Posts; The Rundown; Entertainment News . Miramax Films If you ever wondered what it would be like if thirtysomething women pretended to be middle school-aged girls, well, you dont need to wonder anymore! 483623. As well as showing that they kicked ass at the lab at the same time. Marvel Studios It also crushed the Golden Globes in 2017. Of course, people watch movies for the simple pleasure that the story brings. Some Western animated shows would fail a reverse. And as a sidenote, can we just say, basically anything that Laura Dern does is freaking gold. Pipers boyfriend talks to his dad, but usually about Piper. Director: Sarah Polley | Stars: Michael Polley, John Buchan, Mark Polley, Joanna Polley. However, its not the case that these shows were full of male-male conversations without female involvement: as seen by the fact that no show lies below 0.8 on the y-axis, these shows had as many, or almost as many, male-female conversations, as male-male conversations. Why? Theyre the kind of friends you can share all your embarrassing moments with because theyve seen (and done) it all. The movie: This dystopian movie paints a bleak picture of a future where humanity has lost the ability to reproduce. Married With Children (Peggy-Marcy and Peggy-Kelly) and Scrubs (mostly Elliot-Carla) fall down between steps 2 and 3, meaning they often had female characters talk to one another, but in many cases this was only about a male character. So if you want to watch a TV show that passes the Bechdel test and shows the full picture of what it means to be a woman, try turning on one of these TV shows about female friendship below. A few years ago, we compiled a list of recent TV shows and movies that pass the Bechdel test and thought it was time to revisit this with a focus on TV we live in a golden age of television! *WaitShore Leave has two women on the planet at the same time. New York? Second, the women must talk to each other. Lauren OCallaghan. Now its up to Elsa to find her and help her get control of her powers so she can unfreeze their home. This Canadian-made comedy about friends navigating motherhood will have you laughing out loud. Land acknowledgements are a way for us to reflect upon the duality of our work while we work within our team, our community, and our client organizations to promote greater inclusivity and abolish inequities, we ourselves still perpetuate and contribute to various forms of historical and present oppression. We are now operating in a virtual space, but we can still honor and name the physical spaces we all inhabit. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, The movie: Following the careers of the human computers Katherine Goble, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughn, Hidden Figures explores the rampant racism (and sexism) the three figureheads endured during their time working at NASA during the space race. Big Little Lies was produced by Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, two women who were sick of seeing women portrayed in a one-dimensional way. Its just something that makes you think how few fully developed female characters there are. Easily passing the Bechdel test, Dead to Me brings together two women with completely different ways of being in the world together to deal with some wild bananas weird stuff. This test attempts to acknowledge the disparity between female and male characters in media. (Lets ignore the fact that the alien was a walking penis-monster, as this was before the Xenomorphs had established sexes the Queens werent introduced until 1986sAliens.). The squads a little more preoccupied with ghost bustin than affairs of the heart, and casually saving the world from an evil menace. Starring Jeon YeoBeen (as Hong JiHyo) and Afterschool's NaNa (as Huh BoRa), "Glitch" is a dazzling celebration of female friendships and WLW relationships, and the theme is brought out with the utmost grace and delicate nuance. Do those bacta tanks grow babies,too? In a world where superhero movies reign supreme, it's hard to imagine any of them not passing the Bechdel Test. Literally, it can be about anything but a man! To pass the test, a film needs to meet 3very simple criteria. Younger is a marathon-worthy series about a fortysomething who pretends to be in her twenties in order to break back into publishing. For a movie to pass The Bechdel Test, it must contain just one thing - a. Padme speaks to Shmi Skywalker in Episode I and to her handmaidens at various points in Episode II, and in both cases, they discuss things other than men. Does she have an interesting relationship with McAvoy? Often, the two women must be named, prominent characters to meet the criteria. Where this show shines with regard to the Bechdel test is her relationship with her first captain Philippa Georgiou, and then further on with Captain Tilly. Considering the fact that the entire population of New Zealand is in these movies, it kinda seems statistically impossible. (Episodes with scene breaks not properly detected are excluded from the step 1 calculation; this applies to all The Office episodes, so no step 1 point is drawn.). "Glitch" is a drama that has earned its rightful place in any discussion about feminist science-fiction. Fox Searchlight Pictures. The Bechdel test is a method used to determine the representation of women in film. I dont think its really within the spirit of the test to count a brief conversation in a single episode of a TV series that ran for years as a pass. Despite having two kickass female characters who are named, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) a.k.a. Heres how the test works a piece of fiction has to satisfy three requirements: Thats it. Was it perfect? About something other than a man. (will pass the test, but female characters are still underrepresented) The trilogy is over 10 hours long but Arwen (Liv Tyler), Eowyn (Miranda Otto) and Galadriel (Cate Blanchett), all strong female characters, do not meet even once. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant Finally, although we can guess what the result will be, I computed the male equivalent of the test: two male characters must talk about something other than a female character. An extra big kick in the nuts to Star Wars fans: The prequel trilogy actually passes the test (partially). Popularized by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in a 1985 strip called Dykes to Watch Out For and inspired by Virginia Woolf, the test measures the representation of women in film, television, books . Let us know! She works closely with Abbey Whalen (Darby Stanchfield), and has numerous confrontations with First Lady (Bellamy Young). The titular named Lara is the only named female in this movie. Nope. For a movie or TV show to pass the test, it has to feature at least two women talking to each other about a topic other than a man. Then again, its possible that the nurses exchanged at least a few lines complaining about their living conditions, talking about the war, etc., and a conversation about treating a patient who happens to be a man is arguably not really a conversation about a man. If you have a mixed ensemble cast its not unusual for it fail both the Bechdel test and the reverse Bechdel test because its rare for only the men or the women to have a conversation without talking about the opposite sex. The women of this show are complex and the show does a wonderful job of passing the Bechdel test, focusing on their friendships, their careers, their kids. Scandal: Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) spends her time cleaning up the scandals that could wrack Washington D.C. and its political elite. It gets uncomfortable at times, but their stellar performances keep us glued. Overall, women accounted for 25% of those working in key behind-the-scenes roles (directors, writers, executive producers, producers, editors, cinematographers) on the top 250 grossing films in 2021, up from 23% in 2020. These 11 iconic films, including "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" and "Mean Girls," pass with flying colors. We love this list and think many of them go farther than just passing the Bechdel test. Lauren OCallaghan. On June 30th, 2008, Jennifer Kesler . Fox Searchlight Pictures The Bechdel Test is a way of evaluating the representation of women in film. 1. How it passes: Although we dont hear The Brides real name until about halfway through the second movie, her codename is enough to set her apart as a named character. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! They might as well be talking to themselves (or, more likely, the audience). Killing EveVillanelle and Eve are the two stars of this thriller series and have a relationship like weve never seen before. Red flags that you're dealing with a man-child. Note: Your privacy is important to us, so please know that your information will always remain confidential! Sadness, joy, frustration, bittersweetness. More than that, all the women are fiercely strong and morally questionable, presenting a version of women not often seen in the cinema. RELATED: 10 Best 2019 Movies That Passed The Bechdel Test, Ranked After witnessing a series of inappropriate events at school - none of which are taken seriously by the staff - Vivian . This test is passed much more frequently: almost every episode of each show passes (blue plus purple, below): However, Friends, Will and Grace, and Married With Children do show some episodes that pass the BT but not the male version (orange).

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tv shows that pass the bechdel test