Luckily, we have an example from a fellow Ardoqian who was put to the test one social weekend with friends: I was presented with a perfect opportunity to test my way of trying to explain what Enterprise Architecture is: A six-hour road trip to a mountainous ski resort with a bunch of my very non-EA friends. It is also useful for applications that need to be built quickly and for enterprise applications that need to adopt traditional IT processes. It can exist as a stand-alone part of the EA. Design metaphors help us to better understand and analyze an application domain. - Intranets & Extranets An Enterprise Architecture is done only once (to document an organization, system, etc). 9. Not only did we get to the resort in record time (less than the usual six hours), but it was a pretty smooth ride with plenty of legroom. I recently read another thought-provoking article from Anna Mar (aka @simplicableanna) entitled How to Explain Enterprise Architecture to Your Grandmother. 3-overlapping-circles model The overlapping-circles model of sustainability acknowledges the intersection of economic, environmental, and social factors. Architects provide businesses with a roadmap for making this change happen, but they also show them exactly how much better they will operate afterward. If a sentence is already correct, write C before the item number. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? We can call them our Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. The EA "should have demonstrated experience working with executives to understand what's important to running the business," observes Anand Bahl, CIO, CVP, of chipmaker Micron Technology. How to Explain What Enterprise Architecture Is to Non-EAs What is Enterprise Architecture? 2. How the TOGAF Standard Serves Enterprise Architecture - InfoQ a. Technical Article. 7. Which are the five areas of IT governance? <> Performance Measures, 1. Value Delivery Your email address will not be published. *This post is not sponsored by Google Maps. Loaded 0%. The Enterprise Architecture The Zachman Framework The Enterprise Architecture Cycle Maintaining an Enterprise Archi-tecture How to Create an Enterprise Archiecture 1. terprise Architecture (GEA) by proposing the GEA high-level object model for the overall governance system. a. Defines how EA documentation will be developed, archived, and used; including the selection of a framework, modeling tools, and on-line repository. EA is a management engineering discipline presenting a comprehensive view of the enterprise, including strategic planning, organizational development, relationship management, business process improvement . how many times is the word remember in the bible A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. An ivory tower architecture is one that is often developed by an architect or architectural team in relative isolation to the day-to-day development activities of your team (s).The mighty architectural guru (s) go off and develop one or more models describing the architecture that the minions on your team is to build to for the architect (s) know ok, this has nothing to do with what I do. You are right about metaphors we need to be careful in employing them. Organizational theory Tests for Lecture 2: The Concept of Enterprise Architecture Add commas to the following sentences where necessary. Architects provide businesses with a roadmap for making this change happen, but they also show them exactly how much better they will operate afterward. It consists of describing the current and future structure and behavior of an organization's processes, information systems, personnel, and . Level 2 You could apply the same to other people than your CEO. With the city-planning metaphor, the key deliverables are the following: The city plan document defines the vision for the evolution of the city and is driven by the most important strategies for the city. How much has the Zachman Framework for enterprise-architecture changed over the past decades - and particularly over the past few years?. Jelani is a student in a Somalia school, where their internet download speed is 400 kbps. FEAF Use metaphors Metaphors are extremely effective in communicating more complex concepts to your business management. Use strategic agility. Areas of academic influence on EA from the Social and Physical Sciences include: Social science in terms of: So metaphors helped me to generate a lot of feedback and helped me to generate a lot of prototypes in a very short time. Begin Using the Enterprise . The join can be saved using a cascading save of the list of apples (in the tree). Communication medium 4. These experienced technology professionals ensure that a company can reach its desired business outcomes through . Most people understand the role of the building architect and the city planner and can make at least a rough association to what enterprise architects do. d. Spewack Research Paper Volume 11 Issue 4, October 2019, ISSN 1936-0282 Avsharn Bachoo . Question 1 What is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise c. The Six Basic Interrogative Questions of Who, How, What, When, Where and Why Select a Framework 4. Thanks for your comments. Based on the definition of an enterprise given in the course, which of the following would not be considered an enterprise? The Enterprise Architecture (EA) discipline in Information Technology (IT) defines a macro level IT architecture at the enterprise level. The set of tests on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ( SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #2 Question 1: What is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? I told her: Im an EA. Enterprise architecture (EA) refers to the practice of carrying out enterprise analysis, planning, design, and implementation. <> I explained my idea and he said: yes, that is exactly right. An oft-used metaphor for the enterprise architect's role is that of the city planner, since he also provides the road maps, zoning, common requirements, regulations and strategy-albeit for a . Philosophy of Architecture - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy There are various types of frameworks that are used for the development of websites and appli. This article offers an overview of issues in the philosophy of architecture. These activities provide the context and direction for the evolution of the architecture. kent state nursing portfolio. )9|i{s)z b. Your email address will not be published. Consider the use of the following aids when designing . This article is my effort to elaborate Alan's observation using a "Chemistry Metaphor". Copyright 2004 IDG Communications, Inc. Enterprise architecture is the structural arrangement of a project, department or company. Architecture repository 6. False The goal of enterprise architecture is to create a unified IT environment (standardized hardware and software systems) across the firm or all of the firm's business units, with tight symbiotic links to the business side of the organization (which typically is 90% of the firm as seen earlier, at . Currently, 50 percent of companies have issued a clear "building code" in the form of architecture principles and guidelines. He has built Enterprise Business Architectures in various industries, s. Again that doesnt quite gel with the problems that I face. First of all, Doug you have written a very good post here. Architecture framework 4. Jn[}K=4pE$(SJ{;C/a'eTFuQx^]Y$Ux8qd's{ lm)$hfA_YU7S_GB!k9*s~4h25FPGRf%k}}$PA0_gGAKMw:Jm>2t} Y!Em^H1cGg{sX`E_3?wK1nh@e9>~5fKG_k`6>YK In its simplest definition, an enterprise architect is the business and technology "architect" of an organization's or businesses technology estate, who is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of those technology systems. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? Enterprise Architecture should focus more on business requirements and strategy (and ultimately customers needs and preferences) rather than on resources (including IT). Documentation artifacts 5. You are here for Enterprise Architecture - what is it and what is it not, actually. The Enterprise Architecture The Zachman Framework The Enterprise Architecture Cycle Maintaining an Enterprise Archi-tecture How to Create an Enterprise Archiecture 1. Enterprise Architecture: Exploring a Chemistry Metaphor Think about it: I need to form opinions about the current state of the technology market and where it is going. A problem architects face (even within the team) is the level of abstraction that is inherent to architecture. These sources include, among others, a pretty well-known article of Roger Sessions presenting four leading EA frameworks, Zachman, TOGAF, FEA and Gartner, whose influence can be noticed even in the latest industry publications, as well as a rather famous book 'How to Survive in the Jungle of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks' discussing 14 EA The approved building-materials list for the enterprise architecture is the "formally approved hardware and software products, configurations, data, information, and processes used to guide the engineering of information technology solutions for a given enterprise." what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? List the six value areas for Enterprise Architecture: Identify three areas of potential risk for EA programs: Change the strategic or tactical direction. 5. Sports metaphors are used to emphasize that everyone, regardless of their role, needs to communicate and work together for the team and individual players to succeed. The other was when I was talking with a colleague and he was saying that it had taken hm many years to realise that being an EA was all about investment. e. None of the Above Pe0ple wanting to know how to maximise the return on investment of the technology they have purchased. Costa Linda Frangipani Suites, These things will allow the EAs to adapt to sudden changes while staying focused on the main objective. Thanks for the comment, and pointing to your earlier post.,,,,,,,, People coming to me asking me to rescue a project, People with a problem saying what should we do here?. Intro to Enterprise Architecture - INF4883 - Assign 2 Management theory It's not a formal framework . I was determined to find a way to explain EA to them or die trying (if snowboarding didnt kill me first). c. Architectural Domain Components It turns out that Enterprise Architects themselves often struggle to find the best way to communicate what they do and why its so important (let alone how Enterprise Architecture is maturing and what theyre looking to be able to provide in the very near futurebut one step at a time). At the start of our trip, we took our car to a garage for a maintenance check. This metaphor does have a respected lineage, the most noted example I have come across being this very good article from McKinsey: The Paris Guide to IT Architecture (free registration required to read the whole thing). Then, when it comes to us, as enterprise architects, we are frustrated because the metaphor is too restrictive. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? b. You see building architects? yes she said. A double click on the business and IT architecture alignment in a metamodel format would give you the following diagram: Each view defines its own components and architecture. Metaphor is a means of asserting that two things are identical in comparison rather than just similar. And the gas stations and small towns along our route can serve as small objectives that push us toward our overall goal of getting to the resort. Companies are focusing on "building codes" that define the principles and guidelines for architecture and on "building permits" that are granted to change initiatives that have been deemed compliant through the architecture review process. Architecture governance 2. a. In fact I could write another post about the tyranny of metaphors. Greetings from an Enterprise Architecture newbie. a. EA integrates such practices as business process improvement, scenario planning, security and portfolio management into a single program that incorporates an understanding of the structure and function of the enterprise. endobj Select those practices that are most appropriate for addressing the business and technical issues, with consideration given to current skills and tooling. Enterprise architecture in the agile era: Less policing, more coaching, 11 lies CIOs will tell themselves in 2022, AAMC proves the power of a formal DEI strategy. 4. National Wildlife Federation Criticism, Which of the following most accurately describes the concept of Enterprise Architecture as a "meta approach"? The model elaborates on this isomorphism (common structural artifacts) be- The difficulty is that the story is to . 20 Year Sentence How Long Will I Serve Uk, Comprehensive blueprint 2. Defining Enterprise Architecture Bina Ramamurthy ; 2. Metaphor List: 50 Common Metaphor Examples - Udemy Blog Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. b. EA governance process A structure for organizing information that defines the scope of the architecture (what the EA program will document) and how the areas of the architecture relate to each other. Fundamental structure of an organization 3. A configuration management tool Pros And Cons Of Political Polarization, Others refer to three or four "pillars" of sustainability. how do i know when my earbuds are fully charged. It equates those two things not because they actually are the same, but for the sake of comparison or symbolism. xZ]oJ}}o. a. bobbi brown foundation palette discontinued . - Establish Budgets and Outcome Measures -. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? Enterprise Architecture or City Planning? | ZDNET c. TOGAF endobj Oxford's English dictionaries are widely regarded as the world's most authoritative sources on current English. It contains good advice: it is a useful exercise to think-out an explanation that doesnt rely on specialized terms especially when you are thinking about what you do for a living! The vertical columns of the Zachman Framework group EA artifacts by: a. More specifically, technology architecture often is the specification of the interaction of data between systems, systems with networks, and systems with users. Fullerton Flight School. March 17, 2020. Often, they are eager to learn as much as they can but, like many others stepping into this world for the first time, they sometimes find they are looking for a simpler to explain the what, how, and most importantly, why of this role. c. Summary of the gaps between the current and the future architectures Business and IT Alignment. Again, you are right on the money. Hear the latest insights and potential pitfalls to consider when moving digital assets to the cloud. that the use of appropriate navigation metaphors can help to make the structure of modern information systems easier to understand, and therefore, easier to use [5]. Based on research into performance requirements, an IA will create blueprints detailing the scale, structure, content, and functionality for the system under development (in terms of information delivery). False, Intro to Enterprise Architecture - INF4883 -, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. A fundamental problem for many architecture programs is poor understanding of the basics (for example, "What is architecture, and why are we doing this?"). Level 5 - Ensure Strategic and Architectural Alignment Again that doesn't quite gel with the problems that I face. How to Explain What Enterprise Architecture Is to Non-EAs, When starting at Ardoq, Enterprise Architecture (or EA as the cool kids call it) is often a new world for new employees. 15 0 obj A building has many different systems besides plumbing. The advantage of the city-planning metaphor is that it represents processes and deliverables that are broadly understood, enabling communication that leverages common knowledge while avoiding introduction of entirely new concepts. - Strategic Goals Computer science List three EA methodologies presented in the course, other than EA3: Any 3: kamloops fishing report; what happened to herr starr's ear Speak of the devil: what someone says when a person who was the subject of conversation joins the conversation circle. Furthermore, a layered pattern is ideal for applications that require strict standards of testability. Organize the Existing Material 6. More specifically, technology architecture often is the specification of the. So how do you explain what Enterprise Architecture isto someone whos never even heard of it? Required fields are marked *. The volume of investments in IT remains remarkably stable over time 2. He warned us that, without these preparations, our trip would not only be longer but possibly more dangerous. eTOM for Enterprise Architecture. <> What are the four primary phases of the EA3 Implementation Methodology? Enterprise architecture or city planning? People wanting to know which is the best technology to buy. Metaphor, Simile, Analogy: What's the Difference? - Copyblogger An Enterprise Architecture (EA) translates business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change by creating, communicating and improving the essential requirements, principles, drivers, and models that describe the enterprise's future state and enable its evolution.