a. underrepresentation of females Whites regularly engage in overt racism against Asian Americans. d. Perhaps the single most significant race-based explanation of Black-white inequality is the restriction or segregation of Blacks in physical space known as the ghetto. Stangor, C. (1995). What is important is to reduce the self-concern that is engaged when we consider the relevant negative stereotypes. c. discrimination. a. whites 4 You are polite and civil to people you dislike. c. In several forms of media there is a greater emphasis on female than male sexuality. a. modern sexism and modern sexism. b. b. discriminating. ), Handbook of motivation at school (pp. Question 1 Which 3 statements regarding subaccounts are true? d. The Japanese families' assimilation into U.S. society accelerated after the war. Race in the making: Cognition, culture and the childs construction of human kinds. c. Sports announcers highlight female athletes' femininity and minimize their athletic ability. not support policies such as affirmative action that aim to overcome unequal treatment. Brown, R., Croizet, J.-C., Bohner, G., Fournet, M., & Payne, A. Although in some cases the stereotypes that are used to make judgments might actually be true of the individual being judged, in many other cases they are not. c. racialization. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2009.09.014. Perceived consensus influences intergroup behavior and stereotype accessibility. This difference is an example of social loafing 3 Two tennis players become good friends. baseball. a. Asian American women over age 35 Furthermore, aspects of language, such as accent, play a crucial role in the . d. Middle Easterners are nonwhite and North Africans are white. On January 1, 2014, Everett Corporation had these stockholders equity accounts. Login; Register; b. Categorization is frequently based on easily identifiable attributes. a. Mexican Americans . diffusion of ability, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. Want to create or adapt books like this? Race And Ethnicity Flashcards by Ruby Carlson - Brainscape c. Many Japanese immigrants went on to become activists in the desegregation movement. a. b. Latinas Question Which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? Trope, Y., & Thompson, E. (1997). d. All of the above. A man cuts in front of the line and drops his items on the counter. c. have increased use of sexual imagery in recent years. d. prejudice. In the next section we will consider two of these approachesthe bogus pipeline procedure and the Implicit Association Test (IAT). d. modern sexism. Use the following information to determine its net cash provided or used by operating activities. A basic prediction of social categorization theory is that . In the climate of great uncertainty characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic, health communication played a significant role: several communicative strategies and channels were used to inform, educate and alert. Gender stereotyping research that focused on social class has found that: For most of the period of European expansion, Europeans believed themselves to be superior to the people they colonized and conquered. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? Tajfel, H. (1970). According to the U.S. Census, are people with origins in the Middle East and North Africa white? Specifically, he found that although lines C and D (which are actually the same length) were perceived as equal in length when the lines were not categorized, line C was perceived as being significantly longer than line D in the condition in which the lines were categorized. Lippman, W. (1922). a. Critiques Strengthen and Improve the Original Findings: Rejoinder to Alec was excited that he made it to the finals in swimming. d. racialization. Bigler, R. S., & Liben, L. S. (2006). Then the participants categorize the photos (Is this picture a picture of a man or a woman?) and answer questions about the stereotypes (Is this the word strong?) d. 75 percent, Blacks account for roughly ______ of the U.S. population and ______ of chief executives. Our stereotypes influence not only our judgments of others but also our beliefs about ourselves, and even our own performance on important tasks. Which of the following is not true of media portrayals of women and men? A Immigrants are sometimes blamed for low wages. Account. Snyder, M., Tanke, E. D., & Berscheid, E. (1977). In J. F. Dovidio & S. L. Gaertner (Eds. 4 The participants were given two chances at responding. The participants were shown the list of all the statements that had been made, along with the pictures of each of the discussion group members, and were asked to indicate who had made each of the statements. The tendency to see members of social groups as similar to each other is particularly strong for members of outgroups, resulting in outgroup homogeneitythe tendency to view members of outgroups as more similar to each other than we see members of ingroups (Linville, Salovey, & Fischer, 1986; Ostrom & Sedikides, 1992; Meissner & Brigham, 2001). Solved 5. All of the following statements concerning the - Chegg b. African Americans Because stereotypes and prejudice often operate out of our awareness, and also because people are frequently unwilling to admit that they hold them, social psychologists have developed methods for assessing them indirectly. Which communicator would likely be the MOST persuasive? \end{array} Ethan is a white man who has Scottish ancestry and wore a kilt to his wedding. Without power, the fish in the fish tanks at each store will die. b) the influences of the social world in which we exist. b. Saturday morning cartoons. b. Thinking about others in terms of their group memberships is known as social categorizationthe natural cognitive process by which we place individuals into social groups. The belief that male behaviors, roles, and experiences are the standards for society is known as Stereotyping is problematic when the stereotypes we hold about a social group are inaccurate overall, and particularly when they do not apply to the individual who is being judged (Stangor, 1995). which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? b. as comic or eccentric figures b. require welfare recipients to work. 3 You dislike doing exercise but do it anyway to improve your health. Which of the following is not an example of masculine generic language? A. c. her lack of makeup and jewelry b. assimilation. Stereotype threat is not, however, absolutewe can get past it if we try. Rising to the threat: Reducing stereotype threat by reframing the threat as a challenge. 5. Thirty years of investigating the own-race bias in memory for faces: A meta-analytic review. c. increase tax breaks to Black churches. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80(4), 645654. b. Americans c. A researcher conducts a series of interviews with new immigrants to the United States who came from Central America. Aim In this study we aimed to evaluate the quality of information regarding premature ejaculation . Eagly, A. H., & Steffen, V. J. Meissner, C. A., & Brigham, J. C. (2001). d. Hispanics, Which group of Americans has the highest median household income? a) Data classification and application categorization is the same. c. There is no such thing as racial microaggressions. a. imply women are weak. social impairment Is your behavior fair or unfair to the people you are categorizing? c. The media tend to portray Latinas in low-status occupations. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is A developmental intergroup theory of social stereotypes and prejudice. (2006). b. stereotyping. 3 One confederate gave a correct response. Because they are so highly cognitively accessible, and because they seem so right, our stereotypes easily influence our judgments of and responses to those we have categorized. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(2), 229241. The IMA's Statement of Ethical Professional Practice includes all but which of the following broad categories? Psychological Review, 115(2), 336356. Lines C and D were seen as the same length in the noncategorized condition, but line C was perceived as longer than line D when the lines were categorized into two groups. social class, family, football team etc.) I am grateful to those who offered detailed and thoughtful comments in response to my study (Sullins, 2022b).Rosik's hopeful call for renewed scientific rigor in the study of sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) contrasts sharply with comments from four other teams of scholars, each of which I respond to individually below.Blosnich et al.'s and Rivera and Beach's detailed analyses . He has shared this information with his If police officers were actually not that knowledgeable about the city layout, then using this categorization would not be informative. For instance, when a math task is described as diagnostic of intelligence, Latinos and particularly Latinas perform more poorly than do Whites (Gonzales, Blanton, & Williams, 2002). women. Which of the following statements concerning social categorization is Background Patients are increasingly looking to social media platforms for medical information. b. Haslam, S. A., Oakes, P. J., & Turner, J. C. (1996). Categorization of individuals on the basis of multiple social features. c. In explaining racial inequality between Blacks and whites, class disadvantages are more significant than racism. Chapter 2: Social Learning and Social Cognition, Chapter 5: Attitudes, Behavior, and Persuasion, Chapter 11: Working Groups: Performance and Decision Making, Chapter 12: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination, Chapter 13: Competition and Cooperation in Our Social Worlds, Figure 12.6 Current Stereotypes Held by College Students, Next: 12.2 Ingroup Favoritism and Prejudice, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. c. People assume that individuals in the same category share traits with one another. His categorization revolves around the premises discussed in the deductions as well as the conditions required for arguments to prove them correct. c. the social categorization perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(12), 16671678. A. 26 percent; 6 percent Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson (1995) tested the hypothesis that these differences might be due to the activation of negative stereotypes. c. Africa. Entropy-related risks were soon translated into the "infodemic", a wide-spread phenomenon with psychosocial and cultural roots. Lepore, L., & Brown, R. (1997). d. b and c, A recent study of 600 teenage girls of varied socioeconomic and ethnic background reported: He receives two very promising applications from individuals who both are college educated and hold well-paying jobs. The role of memory biases in stereotype maintenance. As of August 2011, the interest rate earned on oneyear U.S. Treasury bills was 0.11%0.11 \%0.11%. b. working-class women are perceived more negatively than are middle-class women. The term psychologists use for how physically close two people are to each other is ________. The point at which variable costs equal fixed costs. d. a and c. Which is true of media portrayals of gays and lesbians? d. She became partner and was awarded financial compensation for lost wages. Psychological Bulletin, 112(3), 536552. a. Mexicans Chen, M., & Bargh, J. Aronson, J., Lustina, M. J., Good, C., Keough, K., & Steele, C. M. (1999). (2002). c. assimilation. c. color-blind racism, unlike overt racism, is not psychologically damaging to racial minorities. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 819833. Order. Stangor, C., Lynch, L., Duan, C., & Glass, B. Conduct test at the 5% The woman is the mother of a 2-year-old boy. IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Health Communication in the Time of COVID-19 ), Advances in child development and behavior (Vol. Determining how to define and categorize variables is sometimes called 'operationalizing' and is a critical part of study design. ______ is a socially constructed category based on the belief in fundamental human differences associated with physical characteristics and ancestry. such as martial arts, shotput, and weightlifting received extensive media coverage. d. displacement. Which of the following statements about social categorization is incorrect?A) Social categorization assigns individuals to categories based on common characteristics. If you are like most people, you will have a strong desire to categorize this person as either male or female. d. Black women under age 35, Compared to 30 years ago, modern children's school textbooks: 1 He made a situational attribution. d. discrimination, Who would MOST likely believe that strengthening the Black family is the solution to racial inequality? ceremonies Johns, M., Schmader, T., & Martens, A. B. b. three-fourths of the girls received disparaging remarks about their athletic or sports a. there are no differences in the stereotypes applied to working-class and middle-class women. c. Asian women Ethnic and national stereotypes: The Princeton trilogy revisited and revised. This problem has been solved! d. people who are not prejudiced can discriminate. Gonzales, P. M., Blanton, H., & Williams, K. J. Which of the following statements best represents variation in racial and ethnic identification across countries? a. intelligence d. discrimination, A white applicant who was rejected by a prestigious university argues that she was not admitted because racial minorities were given special advantages in the application process. Mexicans in cities like Los Angeles and San Antonio end up living in segregated, high-poverty communities in which institutions, such as schools, have inferior resources and foster low expectations of their students; this situation may facilitate the categorization of Mexicans as a race. b. Joe Feagin Those who view the Mexican American population as stagnating argue that Mexicans are going through a process called a. Dred Scott v. Sandford Linville, P. W., & Jones, E. E. (1980). ", Which of the following language practices directly reflect the belief of male as normative? Fyock, J., & Stangor, C. (1994). b. Which of the following statements best describes life insurance policy dividends? b. girls, more than boys, were described as "little." b. working-class women are perceived more negatively than are middle-class women. d. discrimination. a. Germany; rural 15. b. Of course, you may think that you personally do not behave in these ways, and you may not. c. "The average student does his homework every night." d. all of the above, Studies of the parents of newborns have found that: Attitude formation is the result of a number of influences. In explaining racial inequality between Blacks and whites, gender disadvantages are more significant than racism. b. Which of the following would be an example of a situational attribution? stereotyping? Between 1915 and 1923, more than a million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Turkish government. Social identity, self-categorization, and the perceived homogeneity of ingroups and outgroups: The interaction between social motivation and cognition. Social categorization occurs when we think of someone as a man (versus a woman), an old person (versus a young person), a Black person (versus an Asian or White person), and so on (Allport, 1954/1979). d. projecting. c. Segregation (1984). There are more sexual terms associated with males than with females. External situations have no effect on one's personality characteristics. Sociology CH 10 Flashcards | Quizlet An integrated process model of stereotype threat effects on performance. Similar effects occur when we categorize other people. It turns out that John does not think there should be a womens studies program at the college, and he tells Sarah so. Which component of attitude is being affected? 2 "I did a good job because the task was easy." b. discrimination is unavoidable, but prejudicial attitudes are not. d. minority group. a. some traits are associated with all women, regardless of their ethnicity. Which of the following statements are accurate? I. Race and - BRAINLY Southern and Eastern Europe. I used this code when statements . a. social role theory. The basic assumption is that if two concepts are associated or linked, they will be responded to more quickly if they are classified using the same, rather than different, keys. c. TV commercials. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is Uploaded By Mo salah. d. pluralism. a. Assimilation (B) Policy dividends affect the cost of virtually all insurance policies issued today. a. whites British Journal of Social Psychology, 33(3), 331343. b. male generic language. Implicit association procedures such as the IAT show that even participants who claim that they are not prejudiced do seem to hold cultural stereotypes about social groups. Furthermore, the categories are arranged such that the responses to be answered with the left and right buttons either fit with (match) the stereotype or do not fit with (mismatch) the stereotype. Word, C. O., Zanna, M. P., & Cooper, J. b. higher rates of known health risks What does she write concerning Alex? b. discrimination. On the affective side, stereotype threat creates stress as well as a variety of affective responses including anxiety (Schmader, Johns, & Forbes, 2008). Of course, using social categories will only be informative to the extent that the stereotypes held by the individual about that category are accurate. a. spotlighting. Making things even more difficult, stereotypes are strongest for the people who are in most need of changethe people who are most prejudiced (Lepore & Brown, 1997). In short, stereotypes and prejudice are powerful largely because they are important social norms that are part of our culture (Guimond, 2000). a. genocide. c) Secondary research is quicker than primary research. When speeding charges are made, Blacks fare much worse when citations are issued on the basis of the officer's visual assessment rather than radar or laser. Other indirect measures of prejudice are also frequently used in social psychological research, for instanceassessing nonverbal behaviors such as speech errors or physical closeness. c. Although adults apply gender stereotypes to children, these stereotypes are different from the Neighborhood segregation has declined significantly over the past quarter century. d. depiction of female communion and male agency, Currently, nearly equal numbers of females and males appear as central characters in: Bargh, J. In this case, categorization into two groupsthe short lines group and the long lines groupproduced a perceptual bias such that the two groups of lines were seen as more different than they really were. a. children's readers and picture books. 18. Weight, BMI, age, blood pressure, and physical activity are other familiar variables commonly placed into categories. c. scapegoating a. receiving unwanted sexual advances HUS Exam 1.docx - Exam Practice questions and study guide A company uses the indirect method to determine its cash flows from operating activities. c. Authoritarianism reflects patterns of thought in general rather than a particular personality type. (1999). Parental and peer influences on childrens racial attitudes. During training, he strived to improve his time by racing against a set time on the clock. Once we begin to see the members of outgroups as more similar to each other than they actually are, it then becomes very easy to apply our stereotypes to the members of the groups without having to consider whether the characteristic is actually true of the particular individual. What were the "black codes"? c. 13 percent; 9 percent Social judgeability: The impact of meta-informational cues on the use of stereotypes. Rules Sara Baker, Ori Friedman, Alan M. Leslie (sbaker@ruccs.rutgers.edu) Cognitive development in the preschool years is characterized by diminishing impulsivity in thought and action. When the responses are arranged on the screen in a matching way, such that the male category and the strong category are on the same side of the screen (e.g., on the right side), participants can do the task very quickly and they make few mistakes. c. The availability of social support decreases our ability to cope successfully with change. x+31=2(x32)6x. The Implicit Association Test at age 7: A methodological and conceptual review. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? Consequences of automatic evaluation: Immediate behavioral predispositions to approach or avoid the stimulus. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(5), 659670. c. discrimination. 262 courses. Social Cognition, 21(3), 167193. Annual non-discrimination testing is required for a plan that integrates with Social Security. When our stereotypes lead us to be believe that we are likely to perform poorly on a task, we experience a feeling of unease and status threat. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. social facilitation d. a and b, Older women who appear on TV are often depicted: A. c. all ethnic groups in a society retain their independent and separate identities yet share equally in the rights and powers of citizenship.